Real Estate Professional Information

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Charandeep Singh Chahal

Conditions or Restrictions

Charandeep Singh Chahal has conditions or restrictions in place.

Licence Effective Date:
25 August 2023
Licence Number:
Licence Status:
Licence Expiry:
24 August 2025
Legal Name:
Charandeep Singh Chahal
Known As:
Deep Chahal
Licensed As:
Licensed For:
Business Address:
105 - 7928 128 Street, Surrey British Columbia V3W 4E8
Business Number:
(604) 599-4888
Licence Conditions:
  1. For the period 24 months from the effective date of licensing (the “Conditional Licensing Period”), Charandeep Singh Chahal (“Mr. Chahal”)’s license will be conditional upon Mr. Chahal:
    1. Promptly informing the Superintendent of Real Estate (the “Superintendent”) if he:
      1. Receives a warning or violation ticket from law enforcement;
      2. Is detained;
      3. Has criminal charges laid against him; or
      4. Is convicted of a criminal offence
    2. Providing an enhanced criminal record check (“Criminal Record”) at 12 months from the effective date of registration; and
    3. Providing a Criminal Record effective within 1-week prior to the end of the Conditional Licensing Period.
  1. These conditions are in addition to Mr. Chahal’s obligations under the Real Estate Services Act (“RESA”) and the Regulations and Rules made under the RESA (together, the “Legislation”).
  2. The Superintendent and Mr. Chahal have agreed upon these conditions.
  3. The Superintendent has the discretion to vary and/or impose additional conditions on Mr. Chahal upon receiving notice of updates with respect to Mr. Chahal’s Criminal Conduct or Investigation Reports.
  4. The Superintendent has the discretion to extend the Conditional Licensing Period should there be information disclosed through the Criminal Conduct or Investigation Reports or the Criminal Record demonstrating a need to maintain, or add additional conditions, in the public interest.
  5. Failure by Mr. Chahal to adhere to one or more of the conditions may constitute a breach under section 35(1)(b) of the RESA.
The Superintendent retains the discretion to investigate this and any other matter relating to Mr. Chahal’s license pursuant to section 11 the RESA.
Discipline (suspensions within previous 10 years; other discipline or administrative penalties within previous 5 years):