Real Estate Professional Information

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Mahdi Mohammadzadeh

Conditions or Restrictions

Mahdi Mohammadzadeh has conditions or restrictions in place.

Licence Effective Date:
21 February 2024
Licence Number:
Licence Status:
Licence Expiry:
24 October 2024
Legal Name:
Mahdi Mohammadzadeh
Known As:
Mahdi ZAAD
Licensed As:
Licensed For:
Business Name:
Real Broker
Business Address:
500-666 Burrard Street, Vancouver British Columbia V6C 3P6
Business Number:
(888) 828-8447
Licence Conditions:
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Failure by the licensee to provide documentary evidence of a valid Work Permit or Permanent Resident Card by July 16, 2024, will result in the termination of this licence effective July 17, 2024. 
Discipline (suspensions within previous 10 years; other discipline or administrative penalties within previous 5 years):