Financial Services Sector Forum Program

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  • Westin Bayshore Hotel
  • 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, June 12, 2023
  • Registration Opens

  • 8:30 — 9:00 am

  • Forum Open

    Traditional Welcome
    Chief Chepximiya Siyam’ Janice George, Chief of the Squamish Nation

    Opening Remarks
    Saskia Tolsma, Vice President, Policy and Stakeholder Engagement, BCFSA

  • 9:00 — 9:20 am

  • Welcome Remarks

    Dr. Stanley Hamilton, Board Chair, BCFSA

  • 9:20 — 9:30 am

  • Fireside Chat
    BCFSA and B.C.’s Financial Services Sector: Past, Present, and Future

    Not only has B.C.’s financial services sector seen significant change in the past few years, so has its regulator. BCFSA CEO Blair Morrison will sit down with veteran journalist Rob Shaw of Chek News to discuss BCFSA’s transformational journey to becoming a modern, effective and efficient regulator in the context of the changing environment – and take a look at what’s ahead for the financial services sector and its regulator.

    Blair Morrison, CEO, BCFSA
    Moderator: Rob Shaw, Political Correspondent, Chek News

  • 9:30  — 10:15 am

  • Morning Refreshment Break

  • 10:15 — 10:30 am

  • Keynote

    The global economy is increasingly volatile. This keynote presentation from leading economic speaker Todd Hirsch will weave together a number of trend drivers, such as the impacts of the pandemic, inflation and interest rate increases, housing, and climate change, and help us see the big picture of how the Canadian and B.C. economies are evolving.

    Todd Hirsch, The Modern Economist, Speaker, Author
    Moderator: Pam Skinner, Senior Vice President, Education, Licensing and CUDIC Operations, BCFSA

  • 10:30 — 11:15 am

  • Panel Discussion
    Building Resilience in B.C.’s Economy

    This session will examine current economic forces from a provincial lens, bringing together economists and community leaders to discuss the unique aspects of the B.C. economy, exploring how the financial services sector can meet the challenges of the future while continuing to serve British Columbians.

    Jock Finlayson, Senior Policy Advisor, Business Council of British Columbia
    Geordie Hungerford, CEO, First Nations Financial Management Board
    Bryan Yu, Chief Economist, Central 1
    Moderator: Derrick Lau, Vice President, Supervision, BCFSA

  • 11:15 am — 12:15 pm

  • Lunch

  • 12:15 — 1:00 pm

  • Fireside Chat
    Regulatory and Government Priorities in Uncertain Times

    Government and regulators play an instrumental role in building and supporting a strong, sustainable, resilient financial services sector. Blair Morrison, CEO of BCFSA, in conversation with Don Wright, senior counsel at Global Public Affairs and member of BCFSA’s Board of Directors, will discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead for the province and the sector. Drawing on his experience as former Deputy Minister to the Premier, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Public Service of B.C., Don will share insights on the Government’s priorities.

    Don Wright, Senior Counsel – Global Public Affairs, BCFSA Board of Directors
    Blair Morrison, CEO, BCFSA

  • 1:00 — 1:30 pm

  • Keynote
    Digital Transformation of Financial Services: Risks and Opportunities

    Digital technologies have the potential to reshape the future of financial services. Consumer expectations are continuing to drive change, along with technological innovation which fosters new platforms, intermediaries, and distribution channels. Hear about the implications and pace of these changes for the financial services sector and for its regulation.

    Hwan Kim, Director, Consulting, Deloitte
    Moderator: Saskia Tolsma, Vice President, Policy and Stakeholder Engagement, BCFSA

  • 1:30 — 2:15 pm

  • Panel Discussion
    The Future of Housing in B.C.

    The social and economic impacts of B.C.’s ever–shifting real estate market cannot be understated. In this roundtable discussion bringing together government and industry experts, you’ll hear about the vision for the future of housing in B.C., the impacts for lenders, developers, and others in the financial services sector, and how we can work together to build a successful, sustainable future.

    Sarah Alexander, Director, Real Estate and Business Operations, City of Burnaby
    Brendon Ogmundson, Chief Economist, British Columbia Real Estate Association
    Jennifer Podmore Russell, Vice President, Advisory, Rennie
    Tsur Somerville, Associate Professor & Real Estate Foundation Professorship of Real Estate, Sauder School of Business, UBC
    Moderator: Thomas Taller, Director, Policy, BCFSA

  • 2:15- 3:00 pm

  • Afternoon Energy Break

  • 3:00 — 3:15 pm

  • Panel Discussion
    Future Proofing: What Does a Climate Ready Financial Sector Look Like?

    Heat domes, forest fires, atmospheric rivers: the realities of climate change are here. Adapting and becoming more resilient to the risks posed by climate change and natural catastrophes will require innovation of unprecedented scale and speed. This panel will consider the potential impacts of climate change on B.C.’s financial services sector and consumers, and the regulator’s role in ensuring climate and natural catastrophe risks are well–managed.

    Kathryn Bakos, Director, Climate Finance and Science at Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation
    Chris Chopik, REALTOR®, Sotheby’s International Realty Canada
    Moderator: Rob O’Brien, Manager, Policy, BCFSA

  • 3:15 — 4:00 pm

  • Closing Remarks

    Michael McKnight, President and CEO, United Way British Columbia
    Blair Morrison, CEO, BCFSA

  • 4:00 — 4:30 pm

  • Cocktail Networking Reception

    Cash Bar