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What’s New in Ethics – Building Your Business Culture

In response to survey feedback from rental property management and strata management licensees, BCFSA has created service-specific versions of the Ethics – Building Your Business Culture course.

When registering for the course, licensees can now choose from a variety of service-specific versions. The modules are the same in each version, but classroom activities will vary. This change allows licensees to consider scenarios applicable to their chosen area of practice during the virtual classroom sessions.

Please note: BCFSA requires licensees to take one Ethics course during every two-year licence term, but registering for a service-specific version of the course is not mandatory. However, the managing brokers version of the Ethics course should only be taken by licensed managing brokers.

Ethics – Building Your Business Culture launched on April 2, 2024. It is intended to provide real estate licensees with the tools to build strong, ethical business practices that reflect current and future environments.

The course was developed on the foundation that ethical and professional behaviour can be supported by a principle-based approach including three key elements: business culture, business practices, and fair treatment.

During the course, licensees will consider these key elements:

  • How business culture sets the overall tone of practice;
  • How business practices provide structure and norms for an organization to apply to its business culture in a meaningful way; and
  • The importance of fair treatment – by incorporating the first two elements into practice, licensees may ensure that clients and others are treated fairly.

Like all BCFSA continuing education courses, Ethics – Building Your Business Culture is made up of both online and classroom-based components. Licensees will engage with online materials and be asked to consider ways they can apply their ethical practice in each of the three elements presented. Online components are designed to provide licensees with a baseline level of knowledge, understanding, and application of the subject matter which will be called upon and explored in more detail using scenarios and group discussions during the virtual classroom session. 

Learn more about the changes and register for the course on our Ethics Course page.